It doesn’t take a lot of thought to decide that buying a swimming pool is the right move for your family, and in most cases people can decide on the actual pool they want pretty quickly as well.
However, figuring out which pool cover is right for them is often a challenge that they weren’t expecting. It seems easy enough to select a cover, but once you start looking at the different options it can be tricky.
There are a few things to think about when you start shopping for a cover, and keeping a few points in mind could help you tremendously. For starters, be sure you shop somewhere that actually gives you options. There’s a big difference between different pool covers, and you need to find a store that really has plenty of options.
We offer such a wide variety of covers that it can sometimes be overwhelming. That’s why taking the time to follow the other steps below is so important – one size doesn’t fit all and you need to get the one that is right for you. Once you start browsing, you need to keep in mind that there is a big difference between pool covers for in ground pools and for above ground ones.
The sizes will be different, the edges that actually secure the cover over the pool will be different, and the overall design will be different. It’s a very obvious point, but it’s surprising how many people think they can buy a pool cover for a different kind of pool just because it’s on sale and have it work for their pool. Simply put, don’t make the mistake of buying a cover that isn’t designed for your type of pool.
If you do it will be a purchase you immediately regret. Size matters when it comes to pool covers, and that’s the next thing you need to look at when you start shopping for yours. Our site makes it easy to understand pool shapes, sizes, and dimensions and to figure out which pool cover is the right fit for your pool.
It’s important to get the right cover. Many people have bought one that is too big for their pool, assuming that it’s better to be safe than sorry. In the case of covers, however, getting a good fit is important and just buying large and hoping for the best isn’t a good idea. Keep the size of your pool in mind when you buy the cover for it. Look into warranty information as well.
This helps show you the overall quality of the cover and tells you pretty much what to expect in terms of quality. To put it simply, if you see a cover with a good warranty, you’re probably looking at a good cover. Short 1 or 2 year warranties aren’t really worth that much and are more indicative of a lower quality cover.
Paying a bit more for a better cover is a good idea since you’re getting a quality investment for your money. Also, be sure that you consider specialty style covers. Pool safety covers are one example, and they’re designed to fit over a pool and provide an extra measure of protection and peace of mind. They’re available in a mesh or solid form and both are stretched tight over the pool and secured with anchors.
Our pool safety covers meet the highest standards of safety and can hold 485 pounds per 5 square feet. You won’t have to worry as much about your kids or pets when you have a safety pool cover on your pool. Another style of specialty cover is a solar cover.
These are designed to capture the sun’s rays and help warm up the water in your pool quickly. While that seems like something that isn’t worth bothering with, think about the anticipation your family feels when spring rolls around and you get the pool ready. Then think about the shock on everyone’s face when they jump in for that first dip and find out the water still has that winter chill.
A solar cover helps speed up the warming process so you can enjoy your pool and can also help with cold weather related problems. Basically, keeping size, type of pool, and quality of the cover in mind will be enough to help you buy the swimming pool cover that is right for you and your family. There’s more to it than that, but in most cases those basic principles will be all you need to get a cover that will last you for years and protect your pool.