Category Archives: Cars, Trucks, & Other Autos

Uncovering & Preventing Mysterious Scratches

Abrasions and scratches can seem to appear mysteriously on your car’s exterior, even when you use a Car Cover for protection.

Preventing many of those mysterious marks can be done easily once you know some possible reasons for their existence.

Is your car clean? 

Even if you use a car cover to protect your vehicle, you still need to keep the surface of the car clean.  

Dirt, leaves, or other debris left sitting on your car when you put the car cover on can actually damage the finish.  

When the car cover rubs against the dirt or debris sitting on the car’s exterior, the dirt acts as an abrasive that causes scratches and other surface damage.

Is your car cover clean?

Keeping your car cover clean is just as important as keeping your car’s exterior clean.  When you take the cover off of the car, avoid the impulse to wad it up and toss it in the trunk.

Any dirt or debris that’s in your trunk can be easily picked up by the cover and then transferred to your car’s surface when the cover is replaced.  When your car cover is not in use, store it neatly in a bag.

Do you slide your cover on and off? 

When putting the car cover on your car, and when removing it, do you slide the cover across the surface of your car?

Any dirt or debris on the car’s exterior or on the car cover itself can cause surface abrasions as the cover slides across the finish.

Instead, roll the car cover or fold it as you go rather than sliding the cover.  By doing so, you can prevent scratches or other abrasive damage to your car’s finish.

A Tarp Is Not Always the Answer

A tarp is a fabulously handy and versatile friend for the homeowner.  A standard, solid tarp can keep a stack of firewood dry, serve as an easily movable surface on which to dump yard waste, and protect your garage, basement, or workshop floor during messy projects.

A tarp, though, should never be used as a car cover. Car Covers are constructed of breathable materials that allow moisture to evaporate from between the cover and the car’s surface. 

Car Cover Installed on Car to Protect it From Dust

Solid tarps are not breathable, and if used regularly as a car cover, a tarp can actually damage the exterior of your car. 

Trapped moisture can cause discoloration, corrosion, and mildew.  So, save the tarp for the wood pile or the garage floor, and invest in a proper car cover that will adequately protect your car from moisture and other potentially damaging environmental factors.

Automobile Covers For Cars, Trucks, SUVs, and Jeeps!

Aside from your home, your automobile is probably the most expensive single purchase that you will make in your lifetime.

Our automobiles do so much for us, from taking us on family vacations and daily errands to hauling our boats and other recreational vehicles.  For some people, an automobile is their second home, with hours each day spent on commutes or  carpools.

We drive them for thousands of miles each year and eventually, the become an extension of our family. You can give your car the protection that it deserves with an Automobile Cover

Whether you have a car, truck, jeep, or SUV, there is a cover that will perfectly fit your vehicle. Made to withstand all weather and environmental conditions, they will protect both your interior and exterior from wind, dirt, sun, snow, ice, and those dreaded bird droppings!

You will ensure that your car is preserved for many more years and miles! Now, if only you can find some time to park it!

All Season Windshield Cover Makes Life a Bit Easier

Which is your least favorite thing to do…sit in a sweltering sun-baked car interior while waiting desperately for the air conditioning to kick in, or feverishly brush and scrape the snow and ice from the windshield in the wee hours of the morning before driving to work?

Automobile Windshield Cover Installed to Protect from the Snow

It’s a toughy.  It’s also a fact of life for many people who drive vehicles that sit on driveways or in parking lots for any significant amount of time over the course of a 24-hour day.

With an all season Windshield Cover, you can avoid both of these uncomfortable situations, and then some.  A windshield cover blocks out the sun’s rays, keeping the interior of your vehicle much cooler than it would be without a windshield cover.

And, because this particular cover attaches to the outside of the windshield rather than to the inside, it prevents ice and snow from building up on your windshield in winter.  No more brushing and scraping, and your view while driving is no longer obstructed by any leftover ice or snow.

Protect Your Car from the Sun


The sun can do major damage to the exterior of your car. With temperatures soaring this summer, this problem is becoming more and more common. 

Direct exposure to harmful UV can fade paint colors, cloud and crack clear coat, reduce gloss, and damage interior components. 

Repairing or replacing (and sometimes repainting) your car can be a costly and time-consuming headache. The best way to protect your car from the sun’s damaging rays is to cover it with an Automobile Cover when not in use. 

An easy to install cover will offer your car unparalleled protection from scorched paint jobs and cracking leather seats (while also protecting against dirt, scratches, and pollution). 

You will protect your investment with very little time and effort, and your car will definitely thank you for it!